The Walk Friendly Communities program, now celebrating its tenth year with support from FedEx, recognizes cities throughout the United States for high levels of commitment to pedestrian safety. The program works to encourage walkable cities and towns by raising awareness of those who are promoting walkability and by educating decision-makers through resources and detailed feedback.
Tag Archives: planning
Walk Friendly Asheville Putting Greenways in Motion

With major greenway network expansion on the near horizon, Asheville, NC, is taking bold steps towards improving pedestrian accessibility. In 2016, the city adopted a new Mobility Plan – Asheville in Motion – and secured new funding for greenway construction. Asheville in Motion introduced greenways as a central element to the city’s multi-modal transportation network, and the Asheville community voiced their support by overwhelmingly passing a $74 dollar bond measure which includes $32 million in funds for transportation improvements, among them new greenway paths. An Asheville Citizen-Times article traced the evolution of the city’s greenways from recreational facilities to integral pieces in Asheville’s overall transportation system. As of 2018, the town is making haste getting the greenways designed and ready for construction. Continue reading Walk Friendly Asheville Putting Greenways in Motion
Walking to the Beat: Austin, TX Moves Pedestrian Mobility Forward

Host to a number of major events such as the high profile South by Southwest Festival, which draws vast numbers of visitors to the center of town, Walk Friendly Community Austin, TX is a city which has worked diligently to improve pedestrian infrastructure in recent years. First designated a Bronze-level Walk Friendly Community in 2011, Austin moved up to Silver in 2016. That same year, citizens approved the $270 million Mobility Bond, which provides a dedicated funding source for new transportation projects through 2024. The Local Mobility Program, a key component of the bond measure for pedestrians, contains funding streams for important infrastructure projects such as Sidewalks, Urban Trails, Safe Routes to School, and Intersection Safety. Continue reading Walking to the Beat: Austin, TX Moves Pedestrian Mobility Forward